Friday, May 12, 2006

Turning weapons into plow shares

I spent it all. Shot the load. BLAM! Gone.

I purchased an Asus/NVidia 7900GTX 500MB graphics card today. That's one small step for a gamer/internet surfer, one giant leap -in cash- for the computer store. So now my new system consists of an empty case and, come Tuesday, the card.

On the wireless front, my battle is over. I exchanged the D link for a Linksys router and picked up a Hawking pc card for the laptop. The reception is much better. A no brainer to install and it works the first time. I can still see the coffee shop, but not as well as with the dish I borrowed the other day.

I still have my gun money though. I sold my Ruger Blackhawk a while back. I never do anything with it, and as is my new rule, whatever doesn't get used gets sold. Of course all rules have an exception, and my Smith and Wesson is the exception. I'll never sell it, but I can still say I'm turning my weapons into plow shares.


Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!