Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fellow Students; My Peeps

I want to briefly describe some of my classmates in Writing 122. I want to note that this looks like anther collection of promising writers. I've got nicknames for those who are of special interest.

First, there's the guy I call Lance Armstrong. He looks like Armstrong, and has that 'definiteness of purpose' look about him. I noticed last week that his eyes are the same shade of blue as the spark produced by an arc welder. His will and purpose are forging his future. Am I interested in his writing? Oh yeah.

There's a young girl who wants to be a vet and is going to get a dog. I would be more than happy to donate my broken down dog to her scientific efforts.

There's a nursing student, I'll call her Catherine Barkley, after the nurse in A Farewell to Arms. She's good people, and I always appreciate someone like that.

Then there is the guy who wants to learn chemistry. He has a fascination with explosives, and would like to create a very stable and very powerful explosive. He's quite a contrast from his combustible intentions; soft features, and a quiet voice that carries words with soft round edges. He still has all his digits and both eyebrows. So far, so good. My final punch line? To create stability in something outside the self, one must first create stability within the self. Chi-Ching. (This applies to me and not him.)

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