Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Cub Reporter

I've got this gigantic 1200 plus word essay due Friday morning. I barely have it started.

I don't want to do it. "It" being a comparison/contrast essay about Amy Tan and Richard Rodriguez' native language, Chinese and Spanish respectively, and how, because of their language, people perceived them. It's interesting, and it makes me think about how people judge me by the words I use.

Tonight I figured how I'll write the essay. I'm going to pretend I'm writing an article for The New York Times. I've got two issues laying around the house that I'll take to work and read in my spare time, soaking up as much of the style as I can. Then I'll sit down and crank out that essay. A little make believe will help me get this done, and it will do me well to pay attention to quality of writing within The New York Times. Besides, what's the worst that can happen?

Ah! I hear my editor shouting at me. Yes boss, I'm working here!

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