Saturday, August 25, 2007

Check Out This Big Dog.

Wifey-Do loves to garden. We have two planter boxes in front of the house, along the sidewalk. People passing by comment on the deep green growth of runner beans and the orange marigolds that line the edges of the garden. While the color looks attractive, there were no beans to be found for most of the summer.

When the weather cooled off we had a sudden abundance of beans. I'm surprised by the amount of food you can produce in a small space.

Then, hunting through the garden, Wifey-Do found THE BIG DOG.

It's over a foot long. Too bad I don't like cucumbers.


Anonymous said...

You silly Alley-Dweller! That's not a cuke, it's a zuke! :-)

The Alley Cat said...

Oh, the OTHER green thing I don't like.

Anonymous said...

Is there a green thing you *do* like?!