Late night stuff
I got home from work and after an hour or two I went to bed. The ride in the snow went just fine. I would describe it as 'wiggly'.
After spending the evening asleep, I woke up with a lot of random thoughts. As is the case with any blogger, I feel compelled to post them.
- I've decided that the greatest invention since the wheel is the computer. That's a post all by itself. Let me say this: think about all that you do now that involves a computer of one kind or another.
- I had better quit digging through Goldmourn's site. While looking at her photos, I actually considered buying a digital back for my view camera. Let me check the price of one... YOUCH! Well, there's always the venerable Canon SLR.
- I can still remember the day the Challenger exploded. I remember everything I was doing at that time, and how the dream of space travel died with those seven astronauts and the school teacher.
- Being on the list of employees wanting overtime sucks. Working six days a week sucks. As soon as I get Project Blackbird done, I'm not doing that six day thing.
- I heard there may be an ice storm coming. If I see ice tomorrow (later this morning, actually) I'm not going to work. Screw 'em. But I'm not seeing any ice storm. Where is it?
- I probably shouldn't ask for an ice storm.
- I often have conversations with myself in my head. I set up two profiles in order to use the comments section to display how that goes. My two natures often battle within me, and this is a way of showing how that goes, how my mind works, but I haven't followed through with that idea.
I'm still thinking. I'm talking to myself about that digital back. Hmmm. I love film, but digital has a much better range of contrast.
We are talking to ourselves. And we are saying, "it is to pricey."
It is, but I feel the photography bug trying to exit the chrysalis. It's in our blood, you know.
Of course there is always MORE OVERTIME!!
Bite me.
And some would say "Aren't you a company man?" And we were. And we learned. And what did we learn? Up the company! That's what we learned. I aint doin' no more overtime.
And it's 5:00am. On the bike and off into the night. Another day. Another dollar.
You remind me of when I used to write my 'speaking for my self' entries - I would have a dialogue back & forth --- maybe I ought to do that again. It surprises me to see what I really think sometimes.
I go back and forth on deciding to keep the dual profile on this site. I think, "People are going to see that and think, what kind of nut..?" But I feel The Terrorist is in all of us to one degree or another, so I keep that profile on this site as a way to address issues about that side. It leads to dark and sometimes ugly posts, but this site is meant to be honest about me, and I force myself to get it out there. Embarassment can be a good motivator for change.
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