Friday, December 15, 2006

Progress Report: Project Blackbird

In spite of the cold, the snow, the hail, and the rain, the Blackbird continues to evolve, though I still have a long way to go. I made two trips for cable housing today because I'm fussy. The Cane Creek brake levers and the Syntace bars are in place. I double taped the bars for extra comfort. As I look at it, I think this bike may get another nickname: The Antithises. My choices in parts and function run counter to things I've seen on fixed gear bikes around town. Like brakes for instance. I'm one of the few who has two of them. And the brake levers. Most folks go with regular road levers. The Syntace is a 'base bar' for time trial use, and time trial brake levers look right on it.

The entire bike will be black, so I plan to install lots of lights and reflective material. Most fixie pilots don't do that. I'll stand apart from the crowd and that's fine. I want something different, and hey, I'm trying to be safe!

Tags:Cane Creek, Fixed Gear

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