Friday, June 30, 2006

Gone wandering

I've been away from the blog for a while, but now I'm back. I was away visiting a foreign country as a young girl. I love my long brown hair and brown eyes, and look like a Midwestern farm girl. I've been outdoors a lot, wandering down pathways, picking different types of flora, mushrooms, and roots. Sometimes the wind blows and the grass sways back and fourth. It's rained a few times and everyone went indoors. I have seen a thunderstorm and I have seen the sky grow red from a large fiery object off in the distance. I had to be careful while wandering because there are wolves around. Big timber wolves. Sometimes I have run into a black bear or two.

I have a keen interest in Alchemy, and continue to learn the craft. I'm part of a guild that practices it along with other types of magic. I had dinner with other guild members and discussed the latest rumors. One of them gave me a very odd job to do and I agreed to help her. It could be a lot of work.

I have not been on the bicycle other than to go to work, nor have I done much writing, although that will change soon. Every day I return home from work and log into Prometheus. It's been up for two weeks now, and it is through Prometheus' powers that I am transformed and return to the place I've described. A land known as Cyrodiil. A place I've read about, but now can see with my own eyes. The eyes of a young girl.

I must go now, there is much work to do. I'll explain more tomorrow.

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