Wednesday, May 31, 2006


The new computer is coming together. Because I've read so much about secret government conspiracies and undertakings, I tend to give my own machinations their special project name. Hey, I'm just trying to keep if fun. Because this is the fastest computer I've cobbled together, and because it is taking on the expense of a government project, I've called it Project Prometheus. All of my computers have Greek names, so you can see what this one will be.

How many do I have you ask? Weeeeelllll... This will make it four. I plan on giving away the Dell laptop. It's served me well, but one of them must go, and Wifey-Do is going to take my old desktop.

***** Geek stuff below, Beware **************

The bus speed is going to be six times faster, it will have four times the memory, a 50% increase in CPU clock speed, four times the memory on the graphics card, as for GPU's processing ability, it will be like trading in the Sopwith Camel for a Joint Strike Fighter, the power supply has double the wattage, and the disk drive will spin at 10,000rpm instead of 7500 rpm with twice the buffer size and half the access time.

This should be pretty interesting. I've got to find some memory, get the OS, then I'm ready.

Specs so far: ASUS A8N32 SLI Deluxe, SilverStone Strider 600W, Western Digital Raptor 76GB, Zalman Reserator (water tower), ASUS 7900GTX 500MB, Athlon FX-60.

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