Thursday, May 25, 2006

Being like you know who

While searching for images of preachers for the next blog, I found an attractive young lady’s image with the title “me, right before preaching.” A pretty young lady who preaches? Curiosity lead me to a young Norwegian Christian. She made the usual statements like “fitting into God’s plan” “surrender my life to Him” and “become more like Jesus”.

Two things came to mind. One: is she so “on fire” that she can’t have a partner and enjoy good regular guiltless sex? It's a guy thing. Hey, God made us and God made sex and God gave us what is arguably the most powerful urge we have. The good book says if you burn with desire, get married (and have some). Some of us get the impression that doesn’t apply to us. So if she doesn’t have her sexual head on backwards and is easy to live with, I see a big “GO”. Yes, I know, I’m married. I’m just thinking out loud. Hypothetically, you understand.

Now to the second point: being more like Jesus. Back in the day, I remember a lot of introspection, studying, analyzing and scrutinizing by others on that subject. I’m glad I don’t hear it anymore. Now, with a clear head, maybe I can sum up, quickly and in plain English, what it is to be more like Jesus. If you don't want to be like Jesus, or believe in the mythology of Jesus, that's fine. I'm not much like him either, but the points below are worth a look.

Don’t be a control freak. Don’t be a bitch, and I am not using the word in a gender specific way. Don’t treat women as inferiors. If you’re accusing someone of being something, make sure you’re not that something. Don’t be a hard ass. Don’t be angry (in the out of control way). Don’t be unforgiving. Don’t be vengeful. Don’t be lazy. Don’t consider yourself entitled to anything other than death and a kick in the ass when you do the above. Don’t be a primadonna. Don't be stingy. Don’t forget to call your mom once in a while. If your parents are guilty of any of the above, don’t hold a grudge.

Part of knowing what to do is to know what not to do. So, when you don’t do what you shouldn’t do all that is left is to do is what you should do. Do you see that? Sure you do.

BTW, I chose the opening pic by way of my smart-ass sense of humor. Jesus ultimately represents Armegeddon or the end times and, of course, he's The Bomb! :D

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