Monday, November 3, 2008

The Return of the Bard

Sing Muse, the return of The Alley Cat, splitter of infinitives, his password nearly forgotten, so long ago was he last seen, and the reason for his reappearance in the gray month of November, this year nearly over.

It's National Novel Writing Month. I never can resist an epic journey of one kind or another, be it riding over one hundred miles in on day on my trusty bicycle, or trying to crank out 50,000 words in less than thirty days. Ah me! Exhausting, taxing, suffering work. It's all me, all day, this month!

My Novel is called Alberta Street, a synthesis of all the stories I have in mind but haven't written. Consider it my version of The Canterbury Tales or The Decameron. Alberta Street will be a no holds barred free for all as I leave no stone unturned, and no cliche unused, in an effort to create ideas, finish the story, and reach my goal, gaining fame and glory by winning this contest.

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