All ThemPeople
I have to say, if anyone needs a good blog topic for NaBloPoMo, they need go no further than their local Ikea store. All a blogger needs to do is bring a little notepad and pen with them, step into that well regulated zoo, and follow the arrows on the floor.
First there are the displays that show how to live in little bitty spaces. Everyone who looked into the -shall we say cozy?- displays said, "looks like a dorm room." I guess that many Ikea shoppers are educated. I have to admit I liked the dorm room. Sitting in that place I felt like a small furry animal all safe and cozy with its collection of shiny objects.
What is equally interesting is how many of the shoppers look. I've not seen such a coiffed, groomed, cosmotoligized, crowd in a long time. My favorite: the guy wearing a dark leather jacket sitting in a 'room' full of chrome, sharp angles, and strong lines. He was right at home; a man who matched his decor. For a while, I was stuck behind two women who I swear were fifty percent inert chemical ingredients. Their facade, like the cabinetry, was sharp and shiny. How much of themselves do they wash down the drain when they shower? Oh well, I just told myself, honey, there's more Clinque where that came from. And for the record, I don't want to know what after market parts the surgeon has installed.
If someone is an older blogger, they have to be in for a shock. The look of the early seventies is everywhere in that place, baby! Think of the sets in Day of the Condor, The Bob Newhart Show, and colors from The Brady Bunch; avocado green and burnt orange. The display that really floored me was the kitchen with one wall made of brick. When I was a kid watching The Mary Tyler Moore Show, I thought that look was so cool. Where's Valerie Harper wearing those fabric things around her head? They need a cardboard cutout of her in that display. That would be super!
Anyone can tell there is plenty to see and talk about if an Ikea store is nearby, and I'm only scratching the Formica surface. Don't say The Alley Cat never gave his fellow blogger a helping hand when it came to topics for NaBloPoMo. Have a nice day.
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