Friday, September 21, 2007

School Daze

We have decided it's time to sharpen our writing skills in a disciplined environment; the classroom, so we enroll in a writing class, writing 121, at Portland Community College. So we buy our books, a green one, about the weight of a Baptist hymnal, the other is light and spiral bound.

We look forward to school, but it's a bit intimidating. The green book is nine hundred pages, nearly Bible thin, with fine print. That's a lot to read when you take forever to get from one cover to the other and have a wandering mind.

But we have an ace in our pocket, the material is interesting and we want to know more. Learning grammar, punctuation, and concision isn't a burden, it's worth the effort. As long as we keep that attitude, we can stay focused.


amber dawn. pullin said...

school school school!


you're already such an amazing writer. i hope it helps and doesn't hinder!

The Alley Cat said...

Wow, it's Sunday already.

Thank you, I'm sure it will help. I'm still rusty with my grammar.

Hold on.

My grammar is rusty. There, got my subject in the right place.

The Byronic Cat said...


My SUBJECT is IN the right place.

And we may even finish the two stories we are working on, and post them at the other site. Wouldn't that be something.