Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Slowest Reader in the West

I'll blame it on my short attention span. Maybe I have ADD. Wifey-Do says amphetamines mellow out the ADD and get the ADD'er focused. Got some ups?

So, reading. I'm trying to finish The War of the Worlds. Not too long. But compare my pace to Wifey-Do's friend who read the last Harry Potter book in one setting. That's like, over seven hundred pages. She's a word processing machine, a dual core processor running with all sixteen lanes of the PCI-Express.

Not me. Too distracted. I should stay away from the computer. War of the Worlds really is a good read, and I have uninterrupted time today as Wifey-Do is watching some lame sit-com. Says it's all the rage. I warned that she can loose an IQ point for every second spent watching shows like that. It has Alyson Hannigan. I like her crooked smile and "impish charm" (so sayeth another site). So I had to take a peak. I wonder how fast she reads? Got to be fast. The scripts, you know, have to memorize them.

My pace. Right. Halfway there. The Martians using poison gas and the heat ray. Didn't know they gassed the masses. Had gas at work too. Lunch. Wife's cooking. Wait, I bought lunch. Well I'm still blaming her. My gas wasn't poisonous. Forgot to bring my book. Book. Right. Stay focused dude.


The Byronic Cat said...

Dude, I talk that jive computer lingo. Let me decompile. We're servicing too many interrupts, trapping on the vector, all defrag'd my man. Put that distraction in standby mode, bro.

Anonymous said...

Why is it my fault you've got gas? Because I gave you my last $8 to go buy your lunch? See if I do *that* again! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.