Thursday, July 12, 2007


Just some stuff, in no specific order, I'll do a bulleted list...

  • I don't get Harry Potter mania. I guess a jaded, cynical, sagacious cat cannot ride the quiddich bandwagon for very long.
  • Wifey-Do says that "Boolshit" is my new favorite phrase. My dad says it that way, and it's better than "Fuck me standing!" which has gone to number four on my hot and foul five.
  • Speaking of Dad, I don't ever remember seeing him read a novel. How can you do that?
  • Number two is "Sons of Bitches." A good phrase to use at work. I've been uttering it for many many years. A classic, always on the charts, like Dark Side of the Moon.
  • Vanishing Point is playing at the Clinton Street Theater. If I don't go and see this, one of my five favorite films, I'll be very disappointed with myself. It shows a man who sees 'the system' as something that destroyed all the institutions (or did it expose them as a lie?) he believed in and kills all the heroes.
  • My other site, Words Like Caresses, is so dead. It's a place where I post my writing and the process I'm going through, but I write with the speed of a glacier. I'm not Nora Roberts. I ain't no JK Rowling either.
  • Speaking of writers, I found a web page that is a "resource for fans, students, and scholars of Joyce Carol Oates' work." Lucky me. She's my favorite writer, and I feel like a grasshopper when I view her work. I cannot imagine myself in one of her writing classes. I can see hands shake as I hand in my work. I would be in the blackest depression, walking around the house, bent over, with my fists pressing on the sides of my head, trying to squeeze out good prose, as one would explode a zit. It's hard to face the master.
Well, there we go, my random thinking for today.

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