I got a spot
I found another very interesting blog the other day, oh yes I did. I could post a link, but first, let me say what I think. For some reason this blog interests me a lot. Why is that? I look at the pictures, a lot of them have motion blur, and that's fine. But what always stands still in those images where everything is moving are her green eyes, and I see, what seems to me, something lost down inside. It's a mystery, and that mystery draws me in. Like an onion I go through the layers, day after day, post after post, to find what lies beneath. Something has happened to put her on a difficult path. There is a wilderness she must find her way through, and I check in every now and then and see how she's doing.
I have a friend in eastern Oregon who is kind of like this. She also has green eyes that sometimes have that same look. I guess I have 'a spot' somewhere in me for green eyes and wandering souls. Either one holds my attention, and I stop to learn more.
Okay, here is the site. She submitted herself to one of the blog reviewers, and they didn't care for the content. While I see where they're coming from, their opinions on the melancholy, I don't agree with them. I can see something in the posts that is slightly familiar. Very tiny snippets of the past.
I am unbelievably moved by your gesture and connection. I would like to explore your pages further as the glimpse I just took (to find something out about who this cool mystery cat may be) has touched me so. I had no idea that a stranger could put to words the description of my journey when I could not seem to myself. Thank you. Thank you from the most inner part of me.
I thank you for the reply, and I am glad that I got it right.
I'm a mystery only in that there are no pictures of me here. I want what I write to show what I'm like. Of course, that puts a bit of pressure on the old cat.
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