Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another test of will

There's snow everywhere. I'm not driving in it again, that's such a pain. More specific, I don't want to end up with the truck stuck somewhere. That happened the last time we got a lot of snow. It stayed in the parking lot of Hippo Hardware for three days. But it's really a moot point. I put the ignition system of the truck together over two weeks ago, and never set the point gap or the dwell (it's an old truck, a 1972 Ford F-100. All stock). Wifey-Do let me drive her truck today, but I don't want to do it again. I'm a hard core cyclist, and I ride through it all; heat, cold, and rain. Snow is something I hadn't considered.

I'm looking over the fleet, and I haven't got a true snow bike. Well, I have one option, Wifey-Do's commuter bike. She hasn't ridden it in I don't know how long. Well, it's going to be pressed into service tomorrow, and I'll be put to another test. Can I hack the cold and the danger of slipping? I'll bring some money for a bus, just in case, but in the morning I'll be on my own. I go to work long before Tri-Met gets going.

I visited all the bike bloggers I know, to see who's riding today. They're in the elements. Alright, that's it. I'm in.

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