Saturday, September 16, 2006

A Visit to The Outer Limits

This TV show is as old as I am. Watching it, I realize how I forgot what it was like to live in the Cold War era. Many episodes of The Outer Limits touched on the fear of Nuclear Annihilation. Citizens practiced for that day. The military was always on watch for incoming missiles. Kruschev threatened "We will bury you." And the Cuban Missile Crisis proved, at least in some minds, that it was only a matter of time.

Fast forward to the early eighties. The situation hadn't improved. Reagan told the Soviets in an unequivical way that they were a bunch of Godless Sons of Bitches and the world would be better off without them. We winced, and went about our lives, but it wasn't easy with an atomic sword hanging over everyone's head. It maintained a collective fear that even the terrorists haven't been able to match. Yet.

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