Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sex... covert overt or dead?

I love the blogs where one partner in a sexless marriage has gone to 'ouside sources'. They plan and scheme, then go at each other like it was their last day to live. Secret sex has it's high octane rating, but after the nuclear furnace dies down there's that nagging question; where will it go and how will it end?

I try to keep up on a few sites run by couples in a good marriage. Regular folks who probably have a scrap every now and then, work their jobs, and really really enjoy sex with each other.
Sites like Married in Ohio come to mind. It's fascinating to me, and old combat vet, I never get used to a marriage that seems to work.

Then there are those who I call the dead. Just call the coroner, they're gone. I'm talking about the person in the relationship who sexualy checked out. Their frustrated spouse writes about life with them, but the dead spouse doesn't have a voice and we never know what is going on in their head. I'm probably one of the few in this category who blogs at all, but I never say why I checked out. I suppose I should get around to it.

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