Monday, June 12, 2006

Reason #681 for Riding a Bicycle

I can't complain about the old Dodge, it's only had two problems in six years. Once a leak developed in the thermostat housing. Chrysler took care of everything. The rear door locks quit working. They would go "buzz" and that was it (Do you have a Dodge Dakota? How are your electric door locks?).

Today it wouldn't start. Wifey-Do (it's her truck, I don't drive it) said the starter would only chatter. Hmmm. Looked under the hood, lots of corrosion. Got it home. Hey, the negative battery terminal was fractured and loose. Found something that worked, and so it's back together. Let me tell you, I don't miss the trips to the auto store looking for stuff.

Today I rode the bike to work, as always. I don't know what the price of gas is. Bikes can have their miss-adventures too, but I've never needed a jump, walked a mile with a gas can in my hand, paid ever rising insurance costs, laid under one fixing the drive shaft while it was raining, rebuilt a carburetor in 35 degree weather (can I tell you how cold gas gets?), or had a rod go through the block

Late News...

Truck still broke! More parts and $$$.

Final thought, a hour later...

Took a shower. I had grease in my ear. How did I do that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to all those things you don't need to deal with biking instead of driving. I haven't owned a car in two years. I walk to most places, which people can't seem to wrap their heads around. But I won't break down somewhere and have to be towed to the nearest repair shop, and my legs are strong enough to crush your head!