That old weighty issue
It started out as another sunny day, when dark clouds made good on their threat and poured out a watery counterpoint to an unusual string of sunny days. I watched the roof on the house behind us become a river bed, while my gutters ran over. A good day to peruse the blogs.
A fellow marital combat vet who goes by the name of Digger Jones commented on another lady's statements on weight. I read her original post and found it kind of interesting. She seemed to think that those who have female partners are over a certain poundage have lower standards. If I understood her, she cannot accept those who accept her because she cannot completely accept herself, so their standards are unacceptable. How interesting. I've heard women from both sides of the scale (Boom-Tissshhh) speak on this, so I'll only add these thoughts, which are based on what they've told me.
The thin ones I know don't want to loose what I think they consider a 'winning attribute'. Thin attractive chicks can get away with murder. I've seen it, haven't you? No one wants to loose their ace in the hole. And do they think that once this is gone, it will take so much from them that they cannot make up for it with brains, wit, charm (a true ace), or that old trifecta- caring, accepting, and giving? Is it over once the boobs are superseded by the belly?
In the arena of self worth and acceptance, fat chicks are a kind of cousin of mine. Neither of us got much in those areas over the years. So in our case we make the best of what we have, our minds and our character. I don't accept that a fat person is lazier. I've met plenty of lazy thinner people. How about the fat = depression theory? I attribute that to the being on the outs all the time. I'm thin, and can tell you that being looked down upon for a long time will put a dark cloud over your head. Being misunderstood for years and years doesn't help either. Now being understood and accepted reveals another stripe of prejudice: be of a certain body mass index, and you will be brought into the fold, and that's what the two posts touch on, so I'll leave you with them.
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